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Why Israel? in Russia and Former Soviet Union
Christians for Israel International has entered a partnership with Ebenezer – Operation Exodus to develop and implement Russian language teaching materials and programs for pastors and Church leaders in the former Soviet Union.
Operation Exodus is the operational part of Ebenezer Emergency Fund International, an interdenominational Christian organisation founded in 1991 with headquarters in the UK and offices and representation worldwide. The work is an instrument of the Lord to encourage and help the Jewish people return to the land of Israel from all the nations they were scattered and to proclaim God's Kingdom purposes for their return. In particular, Operation Exodus has an extensive network of offices and representatives in the countries of the Former Soviet Union, where close relationships have been developed with local churches.
Christians for Israel and Ebenezer – Operation Exodus have been working in partnership since 2004 to help the Jewish people come home from the four corners of the earth. Increasingly, we are realizing how important it is that the local churches worldwide understands and assumes their responsibility to care for the Jewish communities in their respective countries. To this end, we are cooperating in the education of local churches and Christian leaders regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the Jewish people.
During the coming months we plan to develop the Why Israel? Basic Course and other educational resources in Russian, and to offer these to church leaders throughout the Former Soviet Union.