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Aid Ukraine

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Aid Ukraine

Please donate to help Jewish families in the Ukraine to prepare for their return to Israel!

'Come! Come! Flee from the land of the north,' declares the Lord.  ∼ Zechariah 2:6

With the current situation in the Ukraine, the Jewish people are now listening more than ever to the call to return to Israel - the land of their forefathers. We have encouraged them for almost 25 years to leave the land of the north and go to the Promised Land. Now it is time for the Jews to choose for Israel! Not for Europe or Russia, but for the land given to them by the G'd of Israel.

Please pray for the situation in the Ukraine, for the Jewish people, for the churches and for the local people.

Christians for Israel has set up a special fund to help Jewish people to prepare themselves to make aliyah (emigrate to Israel). With your donation we will: 






Bank: ABN-AMRO Bank, Nijkerk, The Netherlands
BIC/Swift code : A B N A N L 2 A

The C4I Aliyah team


 Latest news from the Ukraine

Exodus from Ukraine – End of year hustle and bustle

We can look back with gratitude for the many thousands of olim who came home for good from Ukraine and other former Soviet Republics since the beginning of this year (2017). Every month more than 2,000 Jewish men and women make aliyah world wide and more than 25 percent of them come from Ukraine. In November alone from Ukraine 728 olim and in the month of December more than 1,000 Jewish men and women will have made this journey or plan to do so.

I should not be afraid... The story of Anna Borisovna

We met a long time ago at one of the events of Kiev Hesed. I do not know what was so special about her that I remembered her so well, but she always kept herself apart from the rest. Her history and background in a nutshell. Her grandmother and grandfather, Chana Iosifovna and Gersh Mordukhovich, were shot in Babi Yar along with other relatives. Anna Borisovna has an intelligent appearance, which betrays her nationality. At school, fellow students and teachers always made fun of her.

Winter wonderland for Hanukkah in Ukraine

Who would want to come to Ukraine in December, I wondered, as I was packing for another flight to Kiev just before Christmas. I was not entirely wrong with my weather concerns, but that didn’t keep seven Dutch and four German participants from heading to Ukraine for this year’s last working trip to help the Jewish people there, and to learn about what they have been through.

Thank You For Not Forgetting Us! - Jewish communities in Ukraine

By Anemone Rüger.. A fresh breeze is blowing, carrying first the Ukrainian, then the Israeli national anthem, the Hatikva. The sound travels across a wheat field onto the horizon where horse stables used to be. They served as living quarters for the Jews from the village who were enslaved as forced labourers back then, when first the Germans, then the Romanians occupied this strip of land.

First Home in the Homeland - ″Brought us and our parents…″

Dear Friends, today it's more a fellowship of mine than project newsletter. I'm sorry to bother you with my personal story but as you took an active part in the dreams of our family come true I feel happy to share this news with you.

Joyful reunion with Yacov

In the past few days we took olim from Zhitomir, Tjerkacci, Vinnitsa, Kherson, Chmilnitksy, Kamenets-Podolsky, Chernovtsy, Trostjanets and Lvov to the different airports for their permanent departure. Yacov and his wife Sophia were among the many olim in my minibus from the former shtetl of Trostjanets!

 Synagogue in Simferopol: 'Death to the Jews'  See Jeremiah 16

Interview with Aliyah Fieldworker Koen Carlier of Christians for Israel (6 March 2014)

Letter to the Jewish communities (19 February 2014)

Christians for Israel International recently sent the following letter to encourage the Jewish communities in these difficult times.