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To Russia with Love

From the 19th of April until the 9th of May 2012 the leader of the work of EBENEZER in RUSSIA Boris Vasyukov and I travelled through Siberia – Ural – Caucasus, and from 30th of May until the 6th of June we were in St. Petersburg. Conferences, pastors-meetings, church-services, speaking-engagements, preaching and teaching about ISRAEL, WHY END TIMES, the Coming of the Lord, replacement theology, Gods everlasting covenants with Israel, anti-Semitism, Islam, prayer, Israel - Europe & the United Nations from a Biblical perspective, repentance, the Kingdom and many more subjects. In all kinds of different churches: Baptists, Pentecostals, Word of Life churches, Evangelicals, charismatics, Protestants, etc. In many towns and villages like Novokuznezk, Kemerovo, Belovo, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Pyatigorsk, Cherkessk, Vladikavkaz, St. Petersburg and many more.

Boris said: for many years we have been praying and knocking on church-doors with little to no result. And now suddenly the doors are opening for the Biblical message about Israel and the Coming of the Lord. Suddenly churches want to understand more about Israel and the Jewish people. About ALIJAH and Christian theology. About the relationship of Israel and the Church. About their responsibility in Gods process of redemption. About His plan of salvation and Israel’s role in all of that. About the Kingdom to come and the preparation of the Church for the End Times that are developing quickly before our very eyes. About anti-Christ and Jesus Christ. In two-month time 2000 copies in Russian of WHY ISRAEL were sold and many DVD’s of the 14-episode teaching series by Rev. Willem J. J. Glashouwer. Plans for next year 2013 to visit Central-Russia and Far-East Russia are developing quickly, as we speak.

This cooperation between EBENEZER and CHRISTIANS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL that is in existence for many years is bearing more and more fruit. And not just in the former USSR. By invitation of EBENEZER I travelled to Mexico, Bolivia, Chile and Peru. And other countries in South America will follow, like Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay to teach about Israel. Coming month I will be speaking at the EBENEZER-conference in Derbyshire-UK, 29th June until 01st of July. Serving our Lord with combined efforts in the same Biblical vision is blessed by the Lord in an incredible way. In my mind the words of the Lord still linger on: “…Again, I tell you that if two you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done by My Father in heaven…” (Matthew 18:19) To build up His Church, to comfort Israel and to prepare for the Coming of the Lord.

Rev. Willem J. J. Glashouwer
President Christians for Israel International