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The Hineni Foundation in Jerusalem is led by Benjamin Philip, a Dutch-born Jew who made aliyah some 10 years ago.
Survivors of terror
Hineni fulfils an important role in the help for survivors of terror. The workers of Hineni visit the victims and their families in the first hours after the attack. After some time, when the physical situation of the victims has improved, often psychological problems appear. Hineni organises short trips for example to Holland; through these trips it is possible for the young people to break through emotional and psychological barriers; they are given a possibility to go on with their lives, and through the kindness of the Jewish community, they start to appreciate the Jewish culture.
Goal of Hineni
The goal of Hineni is not only to provide for the physical needs of the Jewish people, but also to and strengthen their Jewish identity. The humanitarian goal is subject to the goal of motivating people to go back to their Jewish roots. Hineni also has a youth programme, for young people on the wrong track.
Hineni organises many activities and happenings for the people to strengthen her Jewish identity; such as lectures, study-programmes, activities on Jewish holidays and the celebration of national holidays. The goal is to make people conscious about their relationship with God and of His commandments, which should have a central place in their lives.