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Israel & Christians Today

Biblical understanding about Israel

Newspaper - Israel and Christians Today 
December 2008 Edition

(click on the title to read the article)

Kristallnacht's Timeless Lesson
by Rabbi Berel Wein

Most of the time evil cloaks itself with some form of apparent righteousness. Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot and Chairman Mao killed millions for what they claimed were just causes that would benefit humankind. Many in the Moslem world mask their evil behavior and terrorism with the cloak of religion and faith.

Why Israel Is The Victim And The Arabs Are The Indefensible Aggressors In the Middle East
By David Horowitz

1. The Jewish Problem and Its "Solution"ZIONISM is a national liberation movement, identical in most ways to other liberation movements that leftists and progressives the world over -- and in virtually every case but this one -- fervently support.

Watchman over Israel
By John Tweedie
I met him only days ago in Israel. At first glance, he seemed like the loneliest sentry in the world, serving in one of the most dangerous places, a solitary figure standing at the crossroads of ancient and modern history.
All roads lead yo Jerusalem

By Caroline Glick
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni's failure to form a government proved that all roads do in fact lead to Jerusalem. It was the issue of Jerusalem that deadlocked and ultimately scuttled Livni's coalition negotiations with Shas,

Why Pray For Israel? By Ken Burnett
Asking this very question today, the slightest change in the intonation of voice will bring with it a flood of widely differing responses.
For example, with the sincere but uninformed, the forehead might pucker, and the head be tilted, but the ear would listen: ‘Why pray for Israel?’
Power of weakness By Louis Renee Beres
In all world politics – but especially in the Middle East – appearances can deceive. Although power is powerful and weakness is weak, power can weaken itself. Sometimes, weakness can even become a source of power. Nowhere is this paradox more apparent than in Israel's endlessly self-deceiving relationship with the Palestinians.

In Israel’s darkest moment, outnumbered and surrounded by enemies, an old woman sees what no one else can see.A SOLDIER AND AN OLD WOMAN By Ruchama King Feuerman
The Six Day War had ended. The generals assembled the commanders and foot soldiers for a customary review and analysis of the battle. After the military questions had been asked,

Did the Jews really kill Jesus?

By Michael Brown
A good friend of mine who was a Conservative Jewish rabbi once said, “I could get into a boat and sail off in the ocean of Jewish blood that has been shed in Jesus’ name”. The ocean of Jewish blood shed in Jesus’ name? Absolutely. Edward Flannery writes,

Tragedy in Mumbai
By Rabbi Dr. Daniel P. Aldrich

Words may fail us, but actions cannot. At times like this, words fail us. We are struck silent by the sheer barbarism and scope of the tragedy: the cold blooded murder of Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg –

Understanding Israel and the Church
By Rev. Willem Glashouwer
Both Church and synagogue have continued on through history, all over the world, but many times in a heartrending manner. However, despite the tension within the relationship of Church and synagogue, both share the same root,  

Will Obama’s Presidency Be Good For Israel?
By Henk Kamsteeg
The Americans came out in record numbers and made history by voting for a new future…an Obama presidency that would bring a new style, a new tone, and a “change we can believe in”. The campaign slogan “Yes we can” came true, as Barack Obama engineered a social and political upheaval to become the first black president-elect in a runaway victory over John McCain.
 LBJ: A Friend in Deed By Lenny Ben-David

Lyndon Johnson's actions to rescue hundreds of endangered Jews during the Holocaust. Recently, the Associated Press reported that newly released tapes from US president Lyndon Johnson's White House office showed LBJ's "personal and often emotional connection to Israel." The news agency pointed out that during the Johnson presidency (1963-1969), "the United States became Israel's chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier."

The ‘Israeli-occupied Arab West Bank’
By Stan Goodenough

The Land of Israel is the biblical, historic and exclusive homeland of the Jewish people. It is Israel’s country. Although swallowed and made part of other empires through the ages, it has never been the national homeland of any other people.