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Israel & Christians Today

Biblical understanding about Israel

Newspaper - Israel and Christians Today

February 2008 Edition
(click on the title to read the article)

Palestinian Chutzpah in Gaza?
By Henk Kamsteeg
The news coming out of Gaza depicts a population plunged into darkness, living in a humanitarian crisis, and blaming Israel. The BBC reported “Israel’s closure of border crossings amid continued rocket fire from Gaza has brought the delivery of almost all supplies, including electricity and fuel, to a halt. The UN says Gaza’s 1.5 million inhabitants face serious hardship.

His blood be on us
By Rev. Willem Glashouwer
One of the verses that was used throughout the ages by the Church to teach that Israel has been rejected and is under a perpetuating curse and judgment of God, and that the Church replaced Israel as the chosen people of God, is Matthew 27:25: “Let His blood be on us and on our children!” (Maybe the background for this expression can be found in Ezekiel 3:16-21).
Then & Now
I was watching an old re-run of the movie about Entebbe recently.
And there was this scene where the IDF is making elaborate preparations to fly half-way around the world to free endangered citizens of Israel. There would be a car resembling Idi Amin’s vehicle which would be unloaded from a plane. There would be split-second timing involved. It was so dangerous, so far away, involving so much international intrigue and possible disaster.
As it goes for Israel...
By Jeffrey Epstein
The Annapolis conference, if successful in terms of finalizing plans for a two-state solution to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, will jeopardize Israel’s prospects for survival and pave the way for the emergence of another deadly terrorist state. Perhaps, the myopic architects of this ill-conceived initiative simply failed to comprehend the long-term consequences of their plans.
Stupid Intelligence
By Alan M. Dershowitz
The recent national intelligence estimate that concluded that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 is just about the stupidest intelligence assessment I have ever read. It falls hook, line and sinker for a transparent bait and switch tactic employed not only by Iran, but by several other nuclear powers in the past.
After the Annapolis Summit
By Efraim Karsh
What chance for an agreement with Abbas and the PLO? In August 1968, shortly before seizing control of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasir Arafat urged “the transfer of all resistance bases” into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, conquered by Israel during the June 1967 war, so as to launch a sustained terrorist campaign that would undermine Israel’s way of life
“O Little Town of Bethlehem”
By Henk Kamsteeg
For much of Bethlehem, the “peace and loving each other” Christmas festivities are far from its streets. The city where once Jesus was born has now become a battleground. A place where radical Islam fights its ideological warfare. Caught in the middle of it all are the Arab Christians, who already for many years have suffered incredible hardships, bombings, kidnapping and intimidation.
Schmoozing With Terrorists
FrontPage Interview’s guest is Aaron Klein, author of the new book, Schmoozing With Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal Their Global Plans to a Jew! He is also Jerusalem bureau chief for

By Jamie Glazov
FrontPage (FP): You met with a recruited Palestinian suicide bomber. What’s the bomber’s real motivation?

A Fascinating Book
By Henk Kamsteeg
Aaron Klein, a journalist and Orthodox Jew, risked his life to speak with some of the world’s most ruthless leaders and members of terror organizations face-to-face, including al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jahid, and Al Aqsa Martyrs.
The Nazi Mascot Almost all his life Alex Kurzem has kept a lonely secret
By Olga Craig
Born in Koidanov in the Minsk region of Belarus in 1935, he emigrated to Australia at 15, married and raised a family in Melbourne.
Jerusalem Belongs to the Jews
By Hillel Fendel
Jacques Gauthier, a non-Jewish Canadian lawyer who spent 20 years researching the legal status of Jerusalem, has concluded: “Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, by international law.”
On the Present Danger Facing Israel and all the Jews
By Rachel Neuwirth
The entire body of the Jewish people today – in Israel, in Europe, in America, in Australia and New Zealand, and throughout the world – is in grave danger. Our very existence as a people and as a faith is in jeopardy.
The Journal of Helene Berr –
“France’s Anne Frank”

By Jason Burke

June 8, 1942: On the first day she was forced to wear the yellow star to distinguish Jews: “My God, I didn’t know this would be so hard. I was very brave all day. I held my head high and looked people so straight in the eyes they turned away. But it’s hard ...

Former al-Zawahiri disciple backs alternate Islam
“I am a Muslim by birth, a Christian by the Spirit, and a Jew by heart. Above all, I am a human being” Tawfik Hamid
By David Horovitz
His name is Tawfik Hamid and he was born in Cairo 47 years ago into a secular Muslim family.
His elementary school education
My prayer for the Jewish People
By Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi
As a Zionist Muslim clergyman and a friend of the Jewish people, I cannot keep silent. I feel a moral urge to declare that the nations of the world are once again preparing bad days for the Jewish people.