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The round-table meeting was organized by Pastor Ghennady and his wife, Marina, who had put a lot of effort into making all necessary arrangements for the important event to take place and, thereby, to become a milestone in further development of the Judeo-Christian Dialogue – a dialogue of works and not only words – in the Kaliningrad region. It was the first of its kind and, hopefully, it will not have been the last! Rev. Glashouwer was one of the speakers and his message was well received by those present. It was encouraging to see the leaders of the local Baptist congregations, Pentecostal, Evangelical and even Lutheran churches sitting at the same table with the leaders of the Jewish community and organisations in the atmosphere of mutual acceptance, understanding and love!
Publicly and standing up the Christian delegates repented for the sins of the Church committed against the Jewish people over the centuries in front of the Jewish delegates. A moving event, and the start of a new relationship. A working committee will be formed to discuss on a monthly basis what the Christian community can do in a very practical way for the Jewish community.
The conference took place the following day and was hosted by Pastor Anatoly, the pastor of the largest and the oldest Baptist church in Kaliningrad. The 200+ participants came from different churches (and not only from Kaliningrad) and were given a warm welcome by the brothers and sisters from the hosting congregation, who led those present in beautiful praise and worship in between the messages that were shared in turns by Rev. Glashouwer, Boris Vasyukov and Pastor Boris Kokhan from Belgorod, Russia.
It is worth mentioning that all the copies of the “Covenants and the Kingdom” and “Why End Times?” books by Rev. Glashouwer - translated into Russian - were sold out immediately and there were lots of requests for more copies to be supplied to the local churches!
Rev. Glashouwer spoke about God’s plan for Israel and the end times at the Sunday service in the same Baptist church the following morning and was greatly inspired by the positive feedback he received both from the pastor of the church and from a large number of congregants, who came up to thank him in person for the message they had heard and for the revelation they had received.
We give all glory and praise to the Lord for the strong sense of unity both in the international team of speakers and at all the gatherings that were held during those wonderfully blessed days in Kaliningrad! We serve the Mighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and He is using His sons and daughters from various churches, denominations and nations for His divine plans and purposes! Hallelujah!
Travel report by Lina, translator of Rev. Willem Glashouwer during the speaking tour