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For two years now we have been adding a leaflet to our food parcels. The leaflet explains about our work in Ukraine. If people have questions or need practical help with making aliyah (emigrate to Israel), they can contact us locally at Christians for Israel. After all, we cannot be everywhere, but a food parcel and a leaflet can ‘travel’ throughout Ukraine! Since we started with the leaflets, we have been getting many calls from Jews who want to know more about aliyah.
My wife Ira came up with the idea of the leaflet. That is why she also wrote the text and starting looking for a local printer. That is how we got acquainted with Alexander. He also provided the design of the leaflet and to our surprise came up with some great input.
The other day Alexander called us. He wanted to share something with us. Every time he was working with our various leaflets, he got excited and it touched his heart. He told us that he is Jewish and that he wanted to make aliyah while participating in a study program when he was 14 years old. But his parents did not let him go. He thought he would never again get the opportunity to go to the land of his forefathers. Until he started working on our leaflets. He asked us what he should do and we introduced him to the Jewish Agency.
Meanwhile, Alexander has been studying Hebrew. He is a talented young man and we are convinced that he will be able to have a wonderful future in Israel. He still is nervous though and has a lot of questions. We don’t have to tell him what is written in the Bible, he knows our leaflets through and through! In just a few months he will make aliyah together with his family.
We are seeing that God brings His people home in His timing as it says in Jeremiah 31:10.
Alexander working on our leaflet. | Photo: C4I
Thanks to your support we hope to help many Jews from the land of the north to make aliyah to the Promised Land this year!
Koen Carlier
Aliyah Field worker in Ukraine
Christians for Israel
Help the Jews come home!
Please support our action ‘Bring the Jews Home’.
It costs 135 euros or 145 US $ to assist one Ukrainian Jew for making aliyah.
Any amount is welcome!
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