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Biblical understanding about Israel

January 24, 2017

Update from Isreality 

Isreality is growing into a fully fledged international organisation in its own right. Participants from the Experience Israel tour 2016 are sharing their experiences with local church communities around the world. 

Each week, publishes commentaries on the weekly parasha, in collaboration with the European Coalition for Israel Young Adults. This serves as a terrific collaboration for students from all around the globe.

The weekly Torah portion (Hebrew:  ַע בָּׁשַה תַׁשָרָּפ    Parashat ha-Shavua, popularly just parasha) is a section of the Torah read publicly and aloud in weekly Jewish prayer services, usually in full during the Shabbat (Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath). 

We publish parasha commentaries for three reasons

First, they serve as an effective means of Bible Study: we can comprehensively work our way through the rst ve books of the Bible in exactly one year. Secondly, when shared on our Facebook page or with friends and family, these commentaries act as a personal encouragement and insight into God’s faithfulness to Israel. Thirdly, reading and reflecting on the parshiot keeps us on a similar wavelength to religious Jewish students around us, and fosters informed and interesting conversation with our Jewish contemporaries.


1. Study the Bible
2. Unite students in the Church
3. Bless Jewish friends

These three points are basically the mission of Isreality. First, we seek to deepen our personal understanding of God’s masterplan as we form Biblical world views; secondly, we seek to bring other young Christians along for the ride; and thirdly, we seek to bless Israel. That’s us!

The next step for us is to become more involved in our local churches and to act! Many young Christians in Australia are like how I was a few years ago: thirsty for deeper insight into God’s plan for the world. It doesn’t work to be a cultural Christian anymore. There’s not much benefit to being a nominal Christian. Either you’re in or you’re out. And if you’re in, just give it everything! 

As we gear up for our 2017 tour of Israel (9-21 July), please visit or contact me if you have any questions at

Matthew Thorn is the Australian coordinator of Isreality (C4I Youth Initiative) and one of the tour leaders of the Isreality Experience Israel Tour 2017. He is studying combined degrees of Arts and Laws (LLB) at Monash University. 

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