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Special booths were given to organizations working closely with the Jewish Agency. These are organizations who provide paperwork and transportation to Jews who want to make aliyah, but who have no financial means and sometimes even have physical disabilities.
“Christians for Israel” is one of those organizations operating in the aliyah field for many years now and she has strong ties with the Jewish Agency doing one thing together: bringing Jews back home. Since 2014, when the war broke out in East Ukraine, numerous families started searching for their roots hoping to go to the place where they belong. So it was no surprise that this time there were more visitors during the fair. The awareness about being Jewish becomes popular and topical. Especially compared to the Soviet times when it was shameful and even dangerous to be a Jew.
For this fair we invited a couple of volunteers whose hearts are compassionate and full of desire to serve the people of God. Our table was busy all the time, literally packed with visitors, smiles, jokes and friendliness as well as a peaceful atmosphere. Potential repatriates had many questions to ask. Some had their parents’ papers lost in Moldova and other post-Soviet countries. Others had friends in Odessa and Nikolaev who are preparing for their flight this month and were wondering what kind of help we can provide them with. Some of the people came for the first time to such an event and got a lot of new information to think about. There were even a couple of families who received help right on the spot.
Numerous problems, diverse destinies, but one God who unites us all - both Jews and Gentile believers - to do what He has planned for all of us. We thank the Almighty for giving us opportunities to take part in such events, speak into the lives of Jewish people and see the prophesies being fulfilled.
Watch some more photographs below!
Nataliya Krizhanovski - Aliyah Fieldworker in Ukraine
Christians for Israel
Help the Jews come home!
Please support our action ‘Bring the Jews Home’.
It costs 135 euros to assist one Ukrainian Jew for making aliyah.
Any amount is welcome!
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