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Recently the winter food parcel action in Ukraine started with a working trip organized by Christians for Israel. On the third day of this trip it was really working and slaving away. A total of two thousand food parcels had to be filled and each bag weighs well over ten kilograms.
Each bag contains a great deal of nutritious products. It was great fun to observe the cultural differences while packing the food parcels with so many Dutch, German and local Ukrainian people and one person from Belgium trying to lead everything in the right direction.
To comfort and bless the Jews in Ukraine!
The Germans are hard workers and without much ado they keep on working and age does not seem to be an issue. Ukrainians obediently do as they are told but need some adjustment somewhere or other or else they start doing things their own way and things are bound to go wrong! And yes, something about the Dutch as well, of course: they comment about everything in such a funny way that makes me as a Fleming wonder: how do they get it into their heads!
Very funny to hear them debate at length about what seems logic to me. And yes, one should not forget a coffee break. Preferably more than one coffee break, with cakes of course. We put in a large coffee break after the first thousand food parcels we packed and after that it was hard work again until all two thousand food parcels were packed.
In the mean time I arranged all sorts of things and instead of loading the four minibuses and one big lorry the next morning, we could do it that night. There was some groaning inside the group but the advantage was that we could sleep an extra hour the next morning.
The following days we delivered food parcels at small Jewish communities in the provinces of Chernovtsy, Tjerkacci, Vinnitskaya, Chilnitsky, Kievkaya, Tjernigov and Kharkov near the Russian border.
How happy these people were when we arrived! First we introduced ourselves briefly and told them where we came from and why we came to Ukraine. That always leads to a pleasant interaction. And then you see the talents inside the group flourish because one person wants to sing a song, someone else plays a little tune on a mouth organ or recites a poem being translated or shares a Bible verse. All to comfort and bless the Jews in Ukraine!
The German participants were quite shocked over the poverty they came across when they visited the Jews in their small flats. They visited quite a number of people and personally delivered several food parcels. A food parcel really makes a difference, especially during the winter months. A good number of these people’s small pensions must be spent on heating and medication!
This winter 2016-2017 we plan - with your help - to pack and distribute thousands of food parcels for poor Jews, Holocaust survivors and Jewish refugees from Eastern Ukraine and also those close to and in the war zone of Eastern Ukraine via our local contacts and also on request from Jewish organisations!
Please support this year's food parcel project and donate.
1 foodparcel costs €10 or 11 US$
5 foodparcels cost €50 or 55 US $
20 foodparcels cost €200 or 220 US $
On behalf of the Jewish community in Ukraine: Thank you for your help!
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