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Aid Ukraine

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Biblical understanding about Israel

November 9, 2016

Support in scary days

Ukraine is often in the news. The country suffers from the ongoing conflict and tension. The living conditions that are already poor deteriorate further.

As in any conflict minorities suffer the most. The Jewish minority in Ukraine lives in great uncertainty. Christians for Israel supports many lonely Jews, Holocaust survivors and Jewish refugees from Eastern Ukraine with food parcels. Our visit is a great encouragement for them. It gives us the opportunity to share with them about Gods love and faithfulness to His people. Will you help the Jewish community in Ukraine?

On behalf of the Jewish community in Ukraine: Thank you for your help!

Please support this year's food parcel project and donate.
1 foodparcel costs €10 or 11 US $
5 foodparcels cost  €50 or 55 US $
20 foodparcels cost €200 or 220 US $

This winter 2016-2017 we plan - with your help - to pack and distribute thousands of food parcels for poor Jews, Holocaust survivors and Jewish refugees from Eastern Ukraine and also those close to and in the war zone of Eastern Ukraine via our local contacts and also on request from Jewish organisations!

Donate in €  Donate in US $

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Matthew 25:35

Christians for Israel
Koen Carlier - Aliyah Fieldworker Ukraine


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