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Biblical understanding about Israel

September 9, 2016

A special phone call

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, called Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands Binyomin Jacobs on September 7, 2016. During the ten-minute conversation the Prime Minister thanked Chief Rabbi Jacobs for his huge commitment to the Dutch Jews in general, and for his cooperation with Christians for Israel in particular. PM Netanyahu encouraged Chief Rabbi Jacobs to continue his rabbinical work for years to come.

PM Netanyahu talking to Chief Rabbi Jacobs on September 7, 2016

PM Netanyahu asked Chief Rabbi Jacobs to enlighten him about the demographic composition of the Jewish community in the Netherlands. The Prime Minister, in his turn told Jacobs that Israel has an increasingly important position in Africa, the Middle East and also in Russia. After this the Chief Rabbi informed PM Netanyahu about his visit to Russia’s President Putin one and a half years ago, and his recent journey to Ukraine.

Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands Benyomin Jacobs 

Chief Rabbi Jacobs and Christians for Israel jointly took 154 new immigrants (olim) from Ukraine to Israel during the week prior to this conversation. Christians for Israel’s work is very much appreciated by the Israeli Prime Minister. Roger van Oordt, director of Christians for Israel, received a telephone call from PM Netanyahu as well. The PM thanked Christians for Israel for their warm friendship: “You are our best friends. We are deeply touched by this in Israel. Our friendship is based on the profound values of faith, history and culture.”

During the telephone conversation, Chief Rabbi Jacobs emphasized the importance of immigrants learning not only about Zionism and the history of Eretz Yisrael but also are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Judaism. PM Netanyahu fully agreed with this and promised Chief Rabbi Jacobs to give his very best to achieve this. Some weeks ago the Prime Minister publicly spoke about the importance of Torah education in all Israeli schools. At the invitation of PM Netanyahu, Chief Rabbi Jacobs and his wife will personally visit the Prime Minister on their next visit to Israel.

Koen Carlier  - Aliyah Field Worker Christians for Israel Ukraine 

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