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September 6, 2016

Refugees from the East of Ukraine need your help!

Today we will bring olim from Chernovtsky, Kamenets podolsky, Chmilnitsky, Bratslav, Vinnitsa and lvov to the shelter in Kiev to sleep the night. Together with olim from Kiev they will leave for good from Kiev to board their flight to Israel tomorrow morning. Chernovtsky, Kamenets podolsky, Chmilnitsky, Bratslav, Vinnitsa and lvo are towns that once contained large Jewish communities. Refugees are continuously coming from the area including Jews who want to prepare their aliyah in a more quiet area out of harm’s way.

Over 1.7 million domestic refugees
The Ministry of Social Affairs in Ukraine has up to now registered over 1.7 million refugees from the Donbas and Crimean areas. According to the Ministry it affects 1,709,083 individuals and 1,384,889 families.

Recently we were approached by "Beytenu Olami" fund. There are some refugees from Luhansk - a young family. Roman and Larisa with an 8-year-old boy Artem. Roman is an Ashkenazi Jew. Beytenu rents a flat for them.

Some time ago Roman fell in the bathroom and lost consciousness. Doctors opened up his skull to relief pressure (trephination). They are waiting for another surgery, which costs 31,000 Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH), which is about € 1,050,- in order to close the hole in his head. He suffered anaemia too, but can now walk a bit. Roman is 38. His memory functions partly.

They planned to go to Israel, but this is only possible after successful surgery.

During the visit yesterday we were crying together.

They URGENTLY need to find 31,000 UAH (€ 1,050,-) till the end of the week to install a metal plate to cover the hole after the surgery. Can we help them?

Natalia Krizhanovski – Aliyah Fieldworker Christians for Israel Ukraine

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