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In August 2016 the Australian C4I team is very excited to welcome Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer and Andrew Tucker who will be speaking on a number of key events in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Other events are being organized presently. From Israel is expected Ms Orly Volstein, the 'First Home in the Homeland' Projectmanager of the Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI).
Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer's newest book Israel: Covenants and Kingdom, is to be launched as well as his latest teaching DVD series Why End Times?, available with a companion study guide. Rev Glashouwer and Andrew Tucker will be conducting free 2hr personal workshops for those interested in hosting small home or church study groups using the Why Israel? DVDs and study guides.
Further details are included in the front page of the special August Australian edition of Israel & Christians Today newspaper, which is attached below.
Next year in Jerusalem,
Shalom and blessings in the strong and mighty name of Yeshua (Jesus).
Ian Worby
National Leader
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