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Biblical understanding about Israel
From 3 to 15 July 2016, around 20 participants aged between 18 and 35 years, coming from seven countries including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and the USA, will take part in this special tour, organised by Christians for Israel International.
The trip consists of three main parts:
The programme highlights include three days in Galilee, where Jesus taught his disciples, with onsite Bible teaching by Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer, as well as gaining political insights through talks by Andrew Tucker, our legal expert in International Law; activities such as rafting on the Jordan River, swimming in the Dead Sea, climbing Masada and meeting with young Israelis; visiting the biblical heartland of Israel (Judea and Samaria); experiencing Shabbat in Jerusalem; and doing volunteer work in Jerusalem and surroundings.
The focus of the tour will be on exploring the meaning of the Jewish people and the land in the Bible, and what that means for our personal walk with Jesus. Together we will be going on a journey of discovery into the richness of the Bible, the connection between Christians and the Jewish people, and God’s purpose for our lives.
Through this tour, we hope to empower young adults to be a voice for Israel and the Jewish people in their own nation and to inspire others to become part of the Isreality network. Our mission is to train, equip and commission young adult leaders, enabling them to raise awareness about God’s plans and purposes for Israel, the Jewish people and the Church and to comfort the Jewish nation in prayer and action. In each country, where Christians for Israel is active, we wish to establish national Isreality groups, who can meet and carry out activities together.
Christians for Israel also envisions providing yearly programmes in Israel and elsewhere (e.g. helping impoverished Jewish people in the war-torn Ukraine by packaging and delivering food parcels) whereby
national or international Isreality groups are enabled to be a blessing to the Jewish people, especially Holocaust survivors, via volunteer programmes. Special programmes also will be offered at international and national levels for discipleship and training of young Christians in their walk with Jesus the Jew and prepare for His coming again.
In summary, Isreality will be a mix of fun, information and education. It is a place where young adults can share experiences, pray and worship together, carry out acts of service and through teaching, gain a deeper understanding of God’s plans and purposes for Israel, the Jewish people and the Church.
For further information and a detailed itinerary of the Isreality “Experience Israel” Tour, go to: