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March 27, 2016

International Chairman Harald Eckert hands on the baton to Leon Meijer

Harald Eckert, Chairman of Christians for Israel Germany, has been Chairman of the Christians for Israel International Board since 2012. Under Harald’s inspired leadership during this period, the ministry has experienced consolidation and significant growth.

The International Board thanked Harald for his years of service to the international ministry as Chairman. President Willem Glashouwer stated: “Harald Eckert has demonstrated unique leadership skills, strategic mindset, and a deep spiritual understanding. We are deeply grateful for his years of service and hard labor for the ministry”.

Harald has decided to step down as Chairman, in order to devote more time to Christians for Israel Germany, as well as developing the Global Prayer Call (GPC) following the successful conferences in 2015 in Krakow and Jerusalem.

Harald will remain on the International board, with special responsibility for strategic development.

Leon Meijer, a member of the board of Christians for Israel Netherlands, has been appointed as International Chairman for a period of four years (click here to read his biography).

The International Board has a supervisory role within the ministry.  

Members of the governing board of Christians for Israel International - from left to right:
Leon Meijer (Chairman), Pim van der Hof (Secretary), Marie Louise Weissenböck, Drake Kanaabo, Harald Eckert, Bert Fluit (Treasurer) - together with President Willem Glashouwer.

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