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December 22, 2015

New building in kibbutz Yagoor - From the Northland to the Warm North of Israel

"As the Lord lives, Who brought up and Who brought the seed of the house of Israel from the northland and from all the lands where I have driven them, and they shall dwell on their land."
(Jeremiah 23:7)

Christians for Israel
supports "First Home in the Homeland" since the beginning of 2014 and Elena Kovarsky is the Director of this program. The main purpose of this program is that olim learn/study Hebrew during the first five months five days a week and five hours a day, while the children of the olim are in kindergarten. Over 42 kibbutzim all over Israel participate in this program! Most of the olim participating in this program come from Ukraine, Russia and other former Sovjet countries.

During Hanukkah on December 10, 2015 in kibbutz Yagoor in the North of Israel the opening ceremony took place of the renovated building which is now aimed for the reception of new olim from all over the world. The new olim take part in the Jewish Agency program "First Home in the Homeland".

There are ten apartments for singles and couples (8 one-room apartments, 2 two-room apartments). New Israelis can stay here for six or twelve months paying only a subsidized low price. It gives them a chance to concentrate fully on learning Hebrew and not on surviving during their first months in Israel. It is a good start for a successful future in The Holy Land.
Before the renovation took place the building was partly used by the kibbutz but unfit to live in. It took the contractors six months of hard work after which the outward appearance of the building was completely changed. The wiring of the building was replaced as well as the plumbing and the airconditioning. After the building was redecorated and fitted with new doors it looked as neat as a new pin.

This major improvement of the Aliyah process came true thanks to Christians for Israel co-sponsoring the renovation. The regional council and kibbutz Yagoor contributed to the project as well. The program in Yagoor was on the brink of termination due to the bad living conditions. Neither the regional council nor the kibbutz were able to finance such a big project as this renovation. Funds of Christians for Israel that were transferred to the First Home Program decided the start of this project. Before the renovation kibbutz Yagoor could provide accommodation for ten olim, now Yagoor can accept up to forty new Israelis a year!
"We are surrounded by a splendid scenery and friendly helpful people. I feel blessed and ready for a new start", says a participant of the program from Russia Olga Haikina.

On the 1st of January, 2016 a new Hebrew course will start for the olim group that just moved into this building. Now they are settling down and are getting used to their new home, their “First Home in the Homeland”.

 Donate in € for First Home in the Homeland  Donate in US $ for First Home in the Homeland

Welcome to Yagoor near Karmel Mountain

The exterior of the new building

The interior of the new kitchen

The interior of the new bedrooms

Opening of the new building

Olim just moved into a new building and Elena Kovarski, director of the "First Home in the Homeland"







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