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The Roitman family lives in the hamlet of Nova Bistra in West Ukraine close to the Slovakian border. They are the only Jewish family in the hamlet. Nataliya and I (Koen Carlier) visited them three years ago and we spent the whole day with them in fellowship and talking about Aliyah. Ivan and his wife Miryam have a big family with many children. Ivan found out that his father was imprisoned in a concentration camp and that after the Second World War his family name was changed. This all made Ivan curious and he started searching for his Jewish roots.
After we left we hoped they would once again contact us so that we could help them in their Aliyah process. But we haven't heard from them for a long time until recently they contacted us again and told us with a happy voice "We are ready to make Aliyah, please help us!"
We gave them all the information they needed, but they themselves had to make an appointment for an interview at the Israeli consulate in Kiev. They all came by train (one way fourteen hours!). We paid for their tickets and the whole family stayed in the shelter for two nights!
They had a very good interview on Wednesday the 7th of October but were told that two documents were still missing! Once Ivan will have these documents he will make another trip to the Israeli consulate hoping for the 'green light' to fulfil their dreams!
This reminded me again of what is mentioned in Ezekiel 39:28 and is being fulfilled often in front of our very eyes when we bring the last Jewish families from small towns and villages to the airport in Kiev for their one way flight to Israel. Please pray that the missing documents will be found soon!
Koen Carlier
Aliyah Field worker - Christians for Israel
Roitman family from Nova Bistra in West Ukraine with Koen Carlier
Providing transportation to the Israeli Embassy and airports.
More and more people want to prepare their documents in order to be ready to leave Ukraine and go to Israel. Because of the long distances that people have to travel to reach the embassy in their district, Christians for Israel facilitates their transportation by our own transport or renting small and big busses to drive groups from that area to the Israeli embassy and airports in their region. The average cost for one person is € 135 / US $ 150.
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