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October 21, 2015

Letter from Zhitomir

Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm, the Chief Rabbi of Zhitomir & West Ukraine expressed his sincere gratitude for the Christians for Israel's donations in favor of his Community in a letter that was sent to Koen Carlier, the Aliyah field worker of Christians for Israel in the Ukraine.

Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm writes:
During the past twenty years of activities, Zhitomir Jewish religious community together with a dedicated staff of Rabbis, teachers and other professionals, have helped tens of thousands of Jews rediscover their connection to their heritage and people. We have helped hundreds extricate themselves from the shackles of abject poverty. 

We have established an extensive network of humanitarian and educational institutions, which cater to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of every individual. We strive to continue to expand our activities, and not to relax our efforts until we have provided every single Jew in West Ukraine with the chance of a better future, strengthening his or her connection to the People of Israel, the Torah of Israel and the Land of Israel. 

I send you a video that we recorded this year (2015).  

It shows all of our work that we are doing
thanks to your help!

May the Lord bless you! We wish a lot of peace and welfare for you and your family! 

Chief Rabbi of Zhitomir & West Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm

Watch the video from the Zhitomir Jewish religious community below.

A few photographs from Zhitomir Alumim The center for the advancement and welfare of Jewish children in Western Ukraine are shown below.  






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