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September 8, 2015

Open Letter to State President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

Christians for Israel in Austria wrote an open letter to the State President, Dr. Heinz Fischer, who, together with the minister of Exterior and other members of government and a huge delegation from the economic sector, visited the Iranian regime from 7-9 September 2015.

Marie-Louise Weissenböck (C4I Austria) states: 'This is the first time that the head of state of a western country is visiting Iran since 2004, and we as Christians in Austria are deeply ashamed and distressed, that the president of our country, which has such a dark past with the Jewish people, is the first to make such a state visit, thereby legitimizing the Iranian regime and all it stands for. Standing with the Jewish people on Holocaust remembrance day, stating "Never again" is not enough, if on the other hand one legitimizes and honours a regime that denies the Holocaust and cries for the extinction of Israel.

'Many congregations and communities have put out this letter to their members, had it signed and also sent it to the President's Office. It has been spread throughout Austria and has been forwarded to the press.

The letter can be downloaded here in German.
The letter can be downloaded here in English.

Marie-Louise Weissenböck
Chairwoman Christians for Israel - Austria 





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