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January 27, 2015

Global Prayer Call 2015 (GPC); 6+6+3 Guide Lines for Prayer for Israel, Our Nation and the Church in Our Nation

70 years ago the greatest tragedy of 4,000 years of Jewish history reached its climax and then – finally – its end. On January 27, 1945 the infamous concentration camp of Auschwitz was liberated. 100 days later, in May 8/9, 1945 World War II came to an end in Europe – and with it the genocide of European Jewry. 

We as Christian ministries (Ebenzer Operation Exodus, European Coalition for Israel and Christians for Israel International), based in Europe but global in scope and outreach, have united to launch a Global Prayer Call in the spirit of Daniel, chapter 9 with a deep sense of our responsibility to take a firm stand on the “Never again!”-commitment made by Europe after World War II. 

70 years ago the seed of 1,800 years of Christian anti-Semitism in Europe brought forth its most terrible harvest – the Holocaust, or the Shoah, as the Jews call it. About 400,000 Holocaust survivors are still alive today. Israel is currently being threatened with a second Holocaust by some of its hostile Muslim neighbors. As Christians from Europe we are calling our brothers and sisters worldwide to recognize not only these signs of the times but also the similarity with past history – then and today.

• Then, European Jewry was threatened – today, it is Israel as a nation and Jews around the world. 

• Then, most of the nations of Europe abandoned the Jewish people in their time of need – today, history seems to be repeating itself in the UN and on a global scale. 

• Then, the church in Europe was mostly indifferent and apathetic – more a part of the problem of Anti-Semitism than God’s solution. And today? 
On behalf of these three European-based, global Christian ministries, I want to reach out to all praying Christians who have a loving concern for the Jewish people as well as for their own nation. Please join us and pray – under the guidance of the Holy Spirit let the Global Prayer Call 2015 be a tool in your hands to make a positive, and even perhaps an eternal difference for the Jewish people and for your nation.

Harald Eckert
 (GPC chief coordinator and author of the GPC-book “Israel, the nations and the Valley of Decision”) 

The 6+6+3 Guide Lines for Prayer for Israel, Our Nation and the Church in Our Nation can be viewed below.

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