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‘The Shalom Jerusalaim Festival 2014’ was held for the Jewish community in New York & Washington D.C in the USA between 9th June and 13th June 2014. This festival was firstly initiated by KCSJ (Korean Christians Shalom Jerusalem) in 2013 and it was the second time this event was held in the USA.
The primary focus of the festival was delivering the ‘Proclamation of repentance and hope’ to the Jewish people. The festival aimed to understand and deliver an apologetic message to the Jewish people on behalf of Korean Christians, for the suffering Christians have caused Jews throughout history.
The festival was organized in accordance with traditional Korean programs for the duration of the festival. There was a positive turnout by the Jewish community - Rabbis, Jewish leader and even members of the Israel embassy were all present at the festival. The main theme of the festival was "Comfort, yes, comfort my people!" in Isaiah 40:1. Approximately 120 people flew from South Korea to support this festival, and close to 80 people came from different parts of the USA and other countries. The festival was held in three different locations; on the 9th June it was held in Temple Gates of Prayer in New York with an attendance of 500 people. On the following day (10th June) the festival was held in Master Millennium Theater in New York with an attendance of over 1,500 people. The final night was held on 12th June in Washington Hebrew Congregation Washington D.C with an attendance of approximately 1,000 people.
The performances were all professionally presented and were articulated in such a sublime way that emotionally overwhelmed and inspired the Jewish participants. The performances consisted of Korean traditional costume dress show, a drum performance (Nanta), Fan dance, taekwondo Martial Arts, Hebrew songs, performance of musical instruments and video clips.
Rev. Willem Glashouwer was invited as the main speaker at the festival. Rev. Glashouwer delivered teachings across four morning sessions in both New York and Washington DC. Willem’s teachings have impacted and inspired many Korean Church Leaders and attendees. It is his primary focus to teach and spread to the Christian community at large of the importance of the Biblical promises about Jewish people and land in Christian faith. During the festival, Rev. Glashouwer was invited by Rev. Paul Kim of West Hill Presbyterian Church in L.A. in Oct 24-27th 2014.
Christians for Israel USA Board of Directors wishes to express their sincere gratitude that they were warmly welcomed by KIBI (Korea Israel Bible Institute) to attend this wonderful KCSJ Festival!
Paul Jung, C4I Korea
Fred van Westing, C4I USA