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Biblical understanding about Israel
The leadership of Christians for Israel in Europe met for four days in Ede, Netherlands from 22 – 25 May 2014. 45 participants attended from Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, UK, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Romania, Ukraine.
Highlights of the conference
• On the opening evening, Chief Rabbi Benjamin Jacobs expressed deep concern about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. Across Europe, hatred of Jews is rising. Christians and Jews have a duty to work together to stand up for basic Biblical values.
• Ambassador Haim Divon - The debate about Israel / Palestine is disproportional. We can only understand the conflict if we understand the wider regional issues.
• C4I President Willem J.J. Glashouwer taught primarily about how we should understand the Kingdom of God in the New Testament.
• C4I International Chairman Harald Eckert shared the Global Prayer Call vision – prayer for our nations in their relationship with Israel.
• C4I Executive Director Andrew Tucker spoke about Israel under international law. He emphasized that international law in fact supports the rights of the Jewish people to live in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Many statements regarding international law are in fact nothing more than political statements – such as the claim that the settlements are “illegal”. International law is more complex than often suggested.
• Koen Carlier (C4I Ukraine) - Update on the situation in the Ukraine.
• Urs Kasermann (Ebenezer) - Update on Aliyah worldwide.
• Marie-Louise Weissenböck (C4I Austria / Europe) – March of Life.
• Rev. Henk Poot (C4I Netherlands) taught about the Messiah in the New Testament. The Apostles proved that Jesus was the Messiah by referring to the Old Testament. We cannot understand the New Testament without understanding the Old Testament. The two are interdependent.
• Tudor Petan (Alpha Omega, Romania) – importance of media