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Biblical understanding about Israel
In 2001 over 1,500 NGOs came together in Durban, South Africa to condemn Israel for being an apartheid state. This was the start of the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement that has isolated Israel within the UN, and seeks to delegitimise and discredit Israel and the Jewish people. Today, the BDS movement is becoming popular in the West.
What these people do not understand is that Israel is a multicultural, democratic nation that brings people together and does not divide them. The Arab peoples of the Middle East would be blessed if only they accepted the legitimate existence of the Jewish people as a nation in the land of Israel. The Jewish people have been and continue to be a blessing to the nations. The state of Israel is bringing great blessing to the nations. Those who accept God's love and favour towards the Jewish people will be united in their love for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
In June 2014, Christians for Israel leaders Harald Eckert (Germany) and Drake Kanaabo (Uganda) will visit six nations in eastern Africa to teach, speak and preach about God's plans of salvation and redemption for this broken world. It is a message of reconciliation and hope. A white European man who has led a work of reconciliation in Germany, together with a black African evangelist who has preached the gospel of Christ in over 50 nations. Their message - God will bring blessings to Africa, if Africa chooses to love Israel and the Jewish people.
Our God is a God of miracles!