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Shalom! In the attachment you see a group of Jewish refugees brought by local Christian drivers to Kiev from the East of the Ukraine from the cities of Kramatorck and Slavjanck. We look after them until the moment they can make Aliyah. We will look after them for a maximum of one month but more and more Jewish refugees are expected to flee from the East and coming to Kiev.
On the picture we refer to the land of Israel which gives people hope that one day they will make Aliyah. The oldest lady is Clara Sharaban, she is 75 years old and the youngest is the 11 month old Daniel in the arms of his father Volodya. Yesterday evening, the 19th of June, 2014 we had a long talk with them about Gods plan for Israel and the return from the diaspora. They all listened with great interest.
The third picture shows the most valuable thing that Dasha took with her. Her precious violin. To thank us she played Jewish as well sad/emotional music on her violin to remember what happened in her hometown Kramatorck that they had to flee from! They saw their peaceful city Kramatorck changing into a battlefield between the Ukrainian army and the separatists. More than a third of the population fled from that area, about 35,000 people to the center or the west of the Ukraine.
On Saturday (June 21, 2014) we expect eleven more Jewish refugees from the East to Kiev! It doesn’t look good in the East of the Ukraine and now a perfect moment during the summertime for the Russians to take over that part but if it finally will happen nobody knows! More and more Jews realize it is time to go 'home' now!
Koen Carlier
Jewish refugees brought to Kiev from the East of the Ukraine from the cities of Kramatorck ad Slavjanck.
The youngest of the group, the 11 month old Daniel in the arms of his father Volodya.
Dasha with her precious violin.