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Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and the moon will be darkened and the stars no longer shine…Then you will know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion, my holy hill. (Joel 3: 14-17)
For more than ten years ECI has called together annual prayer summits in Brussels in order to pray for Israel, our own governments and the European institutions.
These weekends have proven, time and time again, to be pivotal times in seeking the Lord for wisdom and strategy and in standing in the gap for the nations. We are currently entering a time which we believe could reshape the international system as we know it. It is not just the financial system which is crumbling, but our political institutions are also under threat from political populism on the one hand and global governance on the other hand. Paradoxically, both trends seem to have one thing in common: growing animosity towards Israel.
As the international community is making friends with Iran, the nations are turning against Israel. The peace talks are fragile and by the time we meet in March they may well be over, with Israel likely being blamed.
In Europe EU elections resulting in new EU leaders being appointed for the next five years are on the horizon. In the meantime, the EU is planning new measures to put pressure on Israel to give up more land and divide Jerusalem.
These ”earthly” signs of the Lord gathering the nations in the valley of decision are echoed by signs in the sky. Within the next two years, starting this Passover and culminating in the autumn of 2015 there will be the coming of four blood moons on the Jewish feasts.
This has occurred rarely in history and always at pivotal times. There have been blood moons on the first day of Passover and the first day of Succoth on consecutive years only seven times since 1 A.D. Three of these occurrences were connected to 1492, the expulsion of Jews from Spain, 1948, statehood of Israel and 1967, the liberation of Jerusalem.
Another important element to be taken into consideration: the jubilee years in the Lord’s own calendar. Jubilee years divide up time in 7 year jubilees and 50-year jubilees. The last two 50-year Jubilees are 1917 and 1967 both marked the liberation of Jerusalem. We are soon entering in to the 70th 50-year Jubilee year.
"Those who have ears hear what the Lord is saying to the Church." This is the time to come together and pray for Israel and for our nations. Times of turmoil are also unique opportunities for nations to reposition themselves and align with God´s purposes for Israel. This is our prayer burden as we pray with the heart of Abraham for our nations to become “sheep nations.”
Please would you join us as we gather for the 12th Annual European Prayer Summit from 21-23 March in Hotel Silken, right across from the EU headquarters Berlaymont in Brussels.
Please note that we are planning a large Prayer and Worship service in Brussels on Friday evening which is open to everyone. This will be a night to celebrate the Lordship of Jesus Christ over the nations and pray specifically for Brussels, Belgium, Europe and Israel.
Last date for registration: March 10th, 2014
Seats are limited, so please register as soon as possible – especially those who wish to book a hotel room as well.
Friday 21 March
Evening (time to be confirmed): Prayer and worship evening at Communauté Chretienne
Brésilienne, Rue des Deux Gares 91
Saturday 22 March
Silken Berlaymont Brussels
Blvd. Charlemagne 11-19, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
9.00 Sessions start
The day includes a lunch and two coffee breaks with refreshments
Dinner on your own / in groups
Sunday 23 March
Silken Berlaymont Brussels
9.00 – 12.30 Prayer, worship, and closing session
European Coalition for Israel