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January 8, 2014

The last food parcels of 2013  - report from C4I Ukraine

On Friday, December 27th, we succeeded in delivering the last food parcels for 2013 to all areas as planned. Here and there we heard people saying: ‘we thought you’d forgotten us!’

In this place you can plan all you want, but putting it into practice is another story. When we arrive at a new location with one or more food parcels, and receive an invite to have a ‘quick’ cup of tea, we might as well add another 1 to 2 hours to our time, and more if there is much interest or are many questions about Israel and their return! But this is, in fact, why we are here! 

This woman cried when she read Bible verses about the return to Israel

When we leave with a busload full of food parcels in the morning, we never know when all of it will be delivered and, occasionally, we may have to sleep somewhere along the way. We also visited, and handed out food parcels, to a few Ukrainians who sheltered Jewish people during the Second World War. 

In Murovani-Kyrilovtsy, a former Jewish shtetl, we met 58 year old Channi Gabrug who lives alone in her shtetl home, close to what used to be the centre of bubbly Jewish life. Her brother and sickly mother made aliyah many years ago, while Channi remained with her father. She planned on following them, but then her father passed away and, a few years later, her mother in Israel too. She presently has very little contact with her brother, and is unsure how to proceed. 

A typical shtetl home (typical Jewish town in Eastern Europe)

Channi, surprised but happy with our visit, congenially received us into her home where a wood stove brightly burned. It is unusual to receive ‘strangers’ in this remote area, but even more so when they talk about God’s plan that Channi too, may return to the land of her forefathers! She had little to eat, and the food parcel came in handy! 




Koen visits Channi Gabrug

We started the process of purchasing and distributing food parcels in the New Year and hope that, with your prayers and support, we will be able to console and tell more Jewish people in new places about their own return! At the end of last year many families indicated that they wish to return to Israel permanently and have put things into action.

Thank you for enabling us to do this work!

Koen Carlier 
Aliyah fieldworker
Christians for Israel Ukraine

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