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Dear friends and partners, dear brothers and sisters!
As the year draws to an end, it is my joy and privilege to send you a word of greeting.
For Israel the year 2013 was not an easy year. The situations in the neighboring countries have gotten even more unstable. The Iranian threat – with the Geneva agreement – has become greater and not lesser. The financial and social challenges of the nation are tense. The isolation of Israel amongst the nations and the media has grown. But still, there has been a comparably good level of quietness and absence of terror. And God is continuing to fulfil his promises towards the Jewish people and the relationship between us and the people of Israel – at many different levels – has never been as strong as today.
At the same time the word of God concerning Israel is being proclaimed in a growing number of nations by word and by media. We as a movement are growing stronger for the benefit of Israel and the Church and have many good reasons to be grateful (as Andrew Tucker is pointing out more specifically).
In conclusion: We do have a lot of reasons to be grateful to Lord and to grow in trust and expectation for the year 2014 which is before us.
May the LORD keep you and bless you and all your loved ones as we approach the Christmas season and the new year!
Shalom and God bless,
Harald Eckert
Chairman Christians for Israel International