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Biblical understanding about Israel

December 13, 2013

A busy season - Report by our Aliyah fieldworker Koen Carlier

Many Jews traditionally leave the ‘Northern Countries’ during the last two months of the year. The many official documents, required by both the Israeli embassy and the local authorities, take approximately 1 to 2 years to assemble. By leaving now, people will avoid the possible interference of new rules that might be introduced in 2014. Winter has not yet put in an appearance, but that can change in an instant.

Olim (immgirants to Israel) on their way for a one-way journey to Kiev airport and one-way journey to Israel

The Feldman family’s primary reason for leaving is to secure a prosperous future for their children. A little over a year ago they finalized matters and decided to leave. Their mother will stay behind, but they hope that, once they are settled in Israel, she will go too. The Feldmans will reside in Nazareth. Fear remains an important factor that prevents thousands of Ukrainians from returning to Israel. 

Our Aliyahfieldworker Nataliya Kryzonovsky (left) with the Feldman family at the airport in Kiev

Another family often contemplated departure since their daughter left 13 years ago. But now that she has a family and a baby, they have an important reason to go.

Most olim (immigrants) have never heard about the prophets age-old predictions about their return. And it is, generally, also not discussed by the Jewish Agency or in the synagogues. When Jewish Agency representative, Rita Trachtenberg, travelled with a group of olim (immigrants) on November 11th, she listened attentively when we spoke about the return prophesied so long ago in the Bible.

It seems that only the Christians travel through the ‘Northern Countries’ with this Biblical message. They read some Bible passages when they meet families at home or on the day of their departure, mindful that the prophet Isaiah write, in chapter 43, that those who are ‘deaf and blind’ will return. But 70 years under the rule of Communism, and the presence of working synagogues in only the larger cities, resulted in a lack of Jewish activities in the many smaller towns and villages where some Jewish folk still live.

All trips to the embassy and airport during November went without a hitch, and we hope and pray the same for the many trips planned in December. We shall continue to spread the important message of ‘returning’ while distributing the food parcels! This message, says the prophet Jeremiah in chapter 31:10, must be announced by the non-Jews! It’s all crystal clear, if you ask me!

Hear the word of the Lord, you nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands: ‘He who scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over his flock like a shepherd.’
Jeremiah 31:10

Help Koen and his team to continue to do this important work.
The cost, of bringing one Jew from the Ukraine to Israel is € 135 or $185.

If you donate this amount you will receive a certificate with the name of the person that you have helped to make aliyah to Israel.

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