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On Sunday morning (14 October 2013), the Government of Israel unanimously passed the resolution allowing another 900 members of the Lost Tribe of Bnei Menashe home from India to Zion.
Michael Freund (Chairman Shavei Israel): 'Under the terms of the decision we will bring the first 200 people to Israel before the end of December, followed by 400 people next year and 300 in 2015. In order to do so, we need your help. After 2,700 years, the return to Zion of a Lost Tribe of Israel continues. May we merit to witness their complete deliverance soon…'
Christians for Israel is supporting Shavei Israel as part of our worldwide Bring the Jews Home campaign. It is critically important that we as Christians not only teach about Israel, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but that we also throw our resources behind the return of the 12 tribes to the land. We have a unique opportunity to become involved in what God is doing in the world today – bringing His people home from the four corners of the earth.
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