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May 29, 2013

News from C4I Italy

By Edda Fogarollo

Last April I was asked to go to Sicily, in Palermo, in one of the biggest church in Italy, to teach about the History of the Jews in Sicily. There were hundreds of pastors and church leaders who came from all over Italy: all were very touched hearing (many of them for the first time) the secular story of anti-Semitism in Italy.

This month of May, Cristiani per Israele Italia (C4I-Italy) started a national program: “CAMBIANDO I CIELI" (Changing the skies), May-December 2013.

During these months we are having:

During the first intensive trip (10-15 May) to Florence, Rome, Turin and Milan I spoke in many churches (also in one catholic church) and Birgitta Veksler performed Jewish songs. During these events we commemorated that 70 years ago Shoah started in Italy (1943-2013).
Through the teachings God touched the hearts of believers in a wonderful way.

As C4I-Italy we are very thankful to God seeing how He is opening amazing doors, touching lives and changing pastors and leaders. Please, pray for us (the small team in Italy) to continue with God’s guide and wisdom.

May God richly bless you all.



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