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An Israel Exposition took place in Kiev, capital of the Ukraine, during the past weekend. A second and third Exposition will follow during the week in Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. The Israel Expositions are aimed at introducing potential olim to miscellaneous aliyah programmes, including living- and working opportunities in Israel.
Various authorities from Israel are present, to explain and elucidate matters. I had the opportunity to be there, and a ‘cosy chaos’ prevailed! I spoke with mr.Yaacov Faitelson, the Jewish Agency’s director for the Ukraine and Moldova, who thanked Christians for Israel for collaborating in sponsoring transport to Kiev (from the provinces of Lvov, Khmelnitsky, Vinnitsa, Cherkassy, Tjernigov, Uzhgorod, Chernovtsy and Zhitomir), giving more than 500 olim the opportunity to listen to expert information. There was considerable interest in the programs for doctors and nurses, and the kibbutz program ‘My First Home’!
There were summits with the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem and the Jewish Agency in the Ukraine, about aliyah in the coming weeks and the many olim that will permanently leave the ‘Northern Countries’ to go to Israel. They phone every individual, and given them the opportunity to postpone their departure to Israel. To date, everybody wishes to go as planned!
Koen Carlier, Aliyah fieldwork in the Ukraine