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Biblical understanding about Israel

August 28, 2012

Speaking tour in Bolivia and Argentina

At the invitation of Ebenezer Operation Exodus Rev. Glashouwer travels through Bolivia and Argentina from August 17 till September 6. In Santa Cruz (Bolivia) he spoke at churches, on the radio, at conferences and at seminaries. Many people came to listen, especially young people. Rev Glashouwer: “On one of the evenings I taught at a seminary for about 60 students about Holocaust, Inquisition, Martin Luther, Psalm 105:7-11, Psalm 117, Hosea 11:1, Exodus 4:22-23, Zachariah 12:10-14. They were poor students indeed, but rich in the Spirit! They listened very carefully and even had an offering that had the result that – when all the cents, quarters and dimes are counted – it could be changed into USD $50! Some even bought the book Por Que Israel.”

On Monday August 27 Rev. Glashouwer flew from Santa Cruz to Buenos Aires - Argentia, where he will teach for 10 days.


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