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Keep Jerusalem United activities in Germany, Italy, Pakistan and Nigeria

C4I Germany
Christians for Israel Germany (Christen an der seite Israels) has collected over 44,000 signatories to a declaration in support of Israel. This declaration will be presented to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

C4I Italy
The leaders of C4I Italy, Chiara Canciani and Edda Fogarollo, will join the Keep Jerusalem United demonstration in Brussels on 19th September. Edda: "We are very excited to participate in this wonderful initiative and we know that we are fighting for the Will of God. We have organized a national prayer of intercession and many churches responded to the invitation to pray for Jerusalem. The towns that so far have committed to this initiative are in Caltanisetta, Florence, Milan, Naples, Padova, Parma, Pescara, Rome, Trento,Trieste, and Verona. And many others churches are adding themnselves to this initiative. The prayers start the 9th september till 18th september. Tomorrow night I will be in Milano and many churches from Milan will be in the largest Pentecostal church in Milan to start the days of prayers".

C4I Pakistan
Brother William Sarfraz of Pakistan Christian Business Group has organised a meeting to pray & stand with Israel on 17th and 19th September. We were also delighted to hear from another group of Christians in Pakistan that they have joined the Keep Jerusalem United project. A Prayer and worship meeting for the Peace of Jerusalem was held on Sunday evening September 12, 2011. The organizers reported: "All Christians and believers should participate in this initiative. Jerusalem is God's city, we strive to protest its division".

C4I Nigeria
More than 3 million copies of  the Keep Jerusalem United flyer have been distributed to churches in Nigeria. Christians are becoming aware of the need to stand in the gap for Israel. Please continue to pray for more copies to be printed and distributed before September 18. There will also be Keep Jerusalem United billboards across major cities in Nigeria.