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Biblical understanding about Israel
Does your support for the Jews and Israel mean you are against the Arabs and Palestinians?
Of course not! Our love for the Jewish people flows from the love of our God to all mankind, and that includes the Arabs and the Palestinians. Scripture clearly teaches us that when our covenant-keeping God remembers His covenant with Isaac, he remembers His covenant with Ishmael as well. In Genesis, God promised that He would make the nation of Ishmael into a “great nation,” but “great” as defined by the God of the Bible does not mean a nation characterized by hatred, deception, and killing. Therefore, when Evangelicals pray for the Jewish people to receive all the blessings God has promised to them, we also pray for the Arab people to become all that the God of the Bible has intended them to be. When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we pray not only for peace between the One True God and the people of Jerusalem and Israel, but also for God’s peace between all people groups in that land.