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Christians for Israel - new international structure
Those of you who have been reading The Messenger over recent years will have seen that the C4I movement is growing and developing rapidly. There are now Christians for Israel branches (affiliates), representatives and partners in 26 countries, and a wide range of projects in the field of media and publications.
The Board of Directors of Christians for Israel International feels it is necessary to move towards a new organisational structure that respects and encourages the unique dynamics and independence of each national C4I affiliate, as well as providing adequate guidelines and parameters for all C4I operations and coordinated expansion of the C4I movement.
To that end, a process is underway under leadership of the Dutch, German, Canadian and Uganda-East Africa branches, each of which are represented in the Board of Directors of Christians for Israel International. The objective of this process is to define a new structure which can be presented to the other C4I branches for implementation in 2012. Please pray for the Board and leadership of all the C4I branches and Christians for Israel International as they seek Godīs wisdom.