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Christen an der Seite Israels-Österreich
In May, Marie-Louise was asked to do a teaching about Israel at a breakfast for ladies of the Salvation Army.This took place on Israel's Independence Day, the 14th of May. The response was very positive and 6 books "Warum immer wieder Israel" (German version of Why Israel) were sold on the spot.
The basic course "Warum Israel" is taking place in Vienna for the third time, moderated by Marie-Louise, and there has been a request for a fourth round. The course has been very blessed so far. At the end of each course, and by request of readers of the newspaper, Marie-Louise takes groups through Vienna on a "walk through 800 years of Jewish history in Vienna". These walks have been extremely blessed and more and more people are getting interested to learn about the Jewish History and visit the Jewish Museums. This again encourages them to learn more about Israel.
The Austrian branch has invited a small group of "Disraelis" (mostly young Israelis who have been injured and traumatized in terror and war -situations) to come to Austria in March 2012. The costs are estimated at about 1000 Euro per person. To raise the money the branch has undertaken different actions. On May 19th a classical fundraising concert was held and 635 Euro was raised. In October the branch will have a movie evening in the oldest cinema of Vienna to raise more funds. "The boy in the blue striped pyamas" will be shown. Another classical concert is in the planning for November.
The Austrian branch has been asked to host "The Israeli Family Project" in cooperation with the Israeli Embassy in August this year. "The Israeli Family" will be in Vienna from 19.8 till 24.8. This is an Israeli Family touring the world for a year from August 1st 2011, to give a different perspective on life in Israel. If you are interested to learn more about the Project and to see when they will be in your country, see www.IL-FAMILY.COM
We would appreciate it greatly if you could pray for - the "Walk through 800 years of Jewish history in Vienna" which will take place on the 5th of June
- our funds to grow in order to be able to host the "Disraelis" in March 2012 and make their time in Austria unforgettable
- for "The Israeli Family Project" to make an impact in Austria/Vienna and bring an understanding about life in Israel. May a good understanding and friendship grow between both countries through these meetings.