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Biblical understanding about Israel

Newspaper - Israel and Christians Today,

April 2009 Edition
(click on the title to read the article)

Yemini Jews finally coming home
By Yael Eckstein-Farkas

It was a phone call that stirred in me a great deal of anticipation. On the other line was one of our staff members telling to witness the arrival of Jews from the Arab country of Yemen.This historic aliyah (immigration to Israel) was kept a secret until hours before the immigrants’ historic arrival on Thursday, February19                                                                                                                               

A New Covenant
By Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer

With whom have all covenants in the Bible been actually made? It might come us a shock to us Christians, but all covenants since Abraham have been made with Israel
alone. There is not one covenant that has been made with the Church. Praise the Lord, however, one of the covenants made with Israel has also been opened to non-Jews who are allowed to become partakers with Israel. This is the new covenant. 

Angels in the Dark
By Rabbi Shmuel Burstein

It was the end of May, 1943, and Jewish Lvov was burning. Once home to Poland's third largest Jewish community, Lvov's 100,000 Jews numbered less than 8,000. "They are killing the Jewish police! This is the end!" came a cry from the ghetto.

God’s plan: the Reconstruction of Gaza, or the Restoration of Israel?   By Prof. M.J. Paul
In early March 2009 over 70 nations met in Sharm e-Sheikh to discuss the reconstruction of Gaza. US Secretary of State Clinton has reiterated the determination of the US to mediate a so-called “Two State” solution in the region.                                                                                                            

Christian Allies Caucus seeks to broaden ties

Etgar Lefkovits
The newly appointed chairman of the Knesset's Christian Allies Caucus, Israel Beiteinu MK David Rotem, hopes to broaden Israel's connection with Christian supporters of Israel  around the world.                                                                

Concessions to Terror

By Tom Gross
Hillary Clinton’s first visit since becoming secretary of state came at a time when many influential people in America and beyond are clamoring for the Obama administration to pressure Israel into making major concessions.

Europe's Woes America's Warning
By Nidra Poller

It is difficult to imagine how European nations could find the will and the ways to counter the subversive forces they have invited upon themselves and allowed to flourish for more than three decades. The current phase of global jihad, already underway in the much vaunted decolonization process,

Friend or Foe of Free Speech?

By Robert Spencer
Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders has been hailed worldwide as a hero of free speech after Dutch authorities announced that they were going to prosecute him for insulting Islam and Muslims. However, not everyone sees him as a hero. Ian Buruma said it in the New York Times: Whether Mr. Wilders has deliberately insulted Muslim people is for the judges to decide. But for a man who calls for a ban on the Koran to act as the champion of free speech is a bit rich.

Gazans Tell How Hamas Used Them As Human Shields

By Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Hamas's tactics of using civilians as human shields and of exploiting public institutions and ambulances for military purposes were exposed several times during and after Operation Cast Lead.

A mother, who mobilized the world to save her son -- an Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas terrorists -- tells
the story of one fateful week in the history of Israel.

His Name Was Nachshon Wachsman
By Esther Wachsman

Israel and the Nations (Part 1)
By Harald Eckert

Israel and the nations is a theme that, as with many of the other issues regarding Israel, has not often been talked about or taught in church history. You won’t find many books on Israel and the nations.

The Abomination in the Sanctuary

By Claude Duvernoy
Many exegetes and the majority of the theologians of the Church, misled by certain expressions in this eschatological discourse of Christ, regard the tragedy of the year 70 as the fulfilment of these prophecies. But in doing so they forget several important points.

What are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
By Michael L.

BrownThe concept of the Ten Lost Tribes is partly mythical and partly truthful. It is partly mythical since, as Rabbi Joseph Telushkin writes, “We lack precise information on the Ten Tribe’s fate,”
Why Support Israel?  By Sandra Teplinsky

Glance at the news today, surf the web, or chat with co-workers at the office, and it's not unlikely you'll hear Israel and the Jews blamed for the current economic meltdown, international political instability, and/or world war on terror. You might hear cries of an alleged Zionist conspiracy toward a so-called "Jew World Order."