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C4I Greece - report on visit to Thessaloniki and Athens
“The Lord was in Thessaloniki before us, and opened hearts and doors”

Report on visit by Panos Karagounis and Willem Glashouwer to Greece, 7 – 14 March 2010
Praise to the Lord because His ways are miraculous beyond explanation and understanding.

By Panos Karagounis.This trip to Greece was planned with Willem in order to contact the pastors and Churches in the area of Thessaloniki. God blessed beyond any measure all of us and many brothers and sisters in Christ received a clear biblical message about the “God of Israel” and His people “Israel”.

The Lord was in Thessaloniki before us and opened hearts and doors out of the blue in an amazing way. Thanks to Lord for our brother Willem, he was always ready to take the extra effort in order to cover all these meetings and to respond to any last moment appointment or meetings request. His teaching and presence were a special blessing for our city Thessaloniki and our country Greece.

All our meetings have been prepared by the Holy Spirit. Especially the unexpected meetings with the Jewish community and the Jewish Synagogue were something that the Lord shows us that He is doing this work and He is in control. We simply follow His spirit as servants.

Out of the many things that I have treasure in my heart during this week is what Willem said to me; “The Lord is in a hurry, and we have to be in hurry too – but not in stress”.

Many came to say openly that they understand and support this ministry in a clear biblical way and truly want to serve the “God of Israel” and bless His people.

I am confident that the Lord has opened a door and He will bless Thessaloniki - Macedonia in Greece. As modern Thessalonians from Macedonia-Greece we pray and ask the “Adonai” to show mercy on us and send His spirit and servants to help us. Because we desire to go back to our roots of our faith and the “God of Israel” to be revealed to us and rediscover who is He. We ask Him to put in our hearts exactly what he has in His Heart for Israel. To go back to our basic root and truth of His everlasting and living Word in order to be revived by the Spirit.

Blessed be His name “Adonai” - the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” - and his people “Israel”.

Maranatha - “The Lord is coming soon”.

Panos Karagounis,
Chairman, Christians for Israel – Greece

Some highlights