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Asia-Pacific needs to hear message about Israel

Report from Singapore conference 7-10 March

Gatekeepers from several nations in the Asia-Pacific Region gathered in Singapore from 7 to 10 March 2012 for the inaugural '@P.U.R.I.M 2012' with Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer as the keynote speaker. Organized by "A-PAC4Israel" (Asia-Pacific Coalition for Israel), P.U.R.I.M stands for 'Pacific-Asia Nations Uniting Together to Raise a prayer platform to pray for Israel and the nations in the East (Asia-Pacific) to receive a revelation of the Jewish Messiah in our nation(s) and in our generation'. With unmistakable clarity, Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer, President of Christians For Israel International, ‘connected the dots’ on Jerusalem, the Promised Land and the relationship between the Church and Israel for an audience of around one hundred key church leaders, pastors, and prophetic intercessors.
Spontaneous applauding capped each address. "Why haven't we heard such clear teaching on Israel before?" was the refrain from participants from Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea and other countries in the region.

Reverend George Annadorai, a key national leader who initiated this conference, says that the time has indeed come for Asia to hear the message about Israel.
The Asia-Pacific region has seen significant expansion of churches since the 20th century, both those belonging to the major denominations as well as independent home-grown churches. Mainstream churches either espouse the Replacement theology or are silent about Israel. Increasingly, through tours to Israel and itinerant overseas speakers and access to the internet and media across the globe, pockets of Christian groups with an understanding of the role of Israel in God’s grand plan for the world are springing up across the region.

Unlike America and Europe which have a predominant Anglo-Saxon Protestant history and culture, the Asia Pacific region is a mix of religions, races and culture with Islam being the dominant faith. Malaysia and Indonesia, two of the most populous countries in the region are Islamic states. Managing racial and religious differences to keep peace at home and with other countries depends to a large extent on mutual tolerance and respect. Flare-ups have occurred and may yet erupt. This puts most people on guard against committing what may be interpreted as careless rhetoric or provocative acts.

Though tensions in the Middle East remain for most to be distant realities, people in the Asia Pacific region would probably mirror the rest of the world in pledging allegiance to similar faiths and believing whatever the media reports on such matters.

Governments in the region tacitly expect religious groups to stay out of politics. Since Israel is a political ‘hot potato’ like no other, most people tend to stay clear of discussions on Israel. Attempts to spread a message of allegiance to Israel will be quickly silenced by authorities. Spreading the message of Israel to the region in fragile peace must be done within the church family, without fanfare and with much intercession so that church leaders won over with sound teaching will release their flocks to learn about Israel.

Conferences such as @P.U.R.I.M 2012 should birth intercession groups and inter-denominational groups to pass on the message. Newspapers from abroad, such as “Israel and Christians Today” may be disseminated via trusted hands. Much prayer should undergird all the above efforts.

By Wu Xiufeng