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Arabic and Indonesian versions of Why Israel? Book now available!
Christians for Israel announces the publication of the book Why Israel? In Arabic and Bahasa Indonesia.
"The publication of these books is a strategic and important step for us"", notes C4I International Director Andrew Tucker. "Indonesia and most Arabic language countries are explicitly Moslim countries. We fully recognize that Christians in these countries live under often dangerous circumstances. You may ask why they should learn about Israel when it is so difficult to live as a Christian in these countries? The answer is simple: the return of the Jewish people is a sign of the coming of Jesus as Messiah.
It is a sign of hope - the existing broken state of the world is coming to an end. It is an encouragement to hold up our heads and expect the Savior to come soon. Moreover, learning to love and appreciate Israel is an essential part of normal Christian life. For many of us - and especially for Arabs - that may be difficult, but it will bring many spiritual blessings."
The Arabic book raises another important aspect, says Tucker. `The Arabs - the children of Ismael - occupy a unique place in the Bible. God has promised great blessings to them. They are cousins of the children of Isaac (the Jews). I am convinced that God will do a mighty work amongst the Arab people in the future, and that will have everything to do with Jerusalem.`
Purchase a copy of the Arabic or Bahasa Indonesian book, email to