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Aliyah mini-bus gutted

We hosted a Ukrainian ‘repeat trip’ for fourteen earlier participants and three newcomers, between April 28 until May 5. The previous excursions, in October 2010 and May 2011, made a lasting impression on them and that they wished to return, with the particular desire, to visit Jewish folks at home. We managed to do so by dividing into small groups, and then travelling to the towns of Bratslav, Tulchin, Nemyric and Mogilev-Podolsky in three mini-busses. It was a memorable experience. Especially, when later, it was said: “Koen, we felt like ‘fishers’ (Jeremiah 16 verses 14-16), and it was possible to speak to some of the families about aliyah”.

I chauffeured the seventeen year old Volkswagen-bus with five Dutch passengers on our visits to families in Bratislava. Despite her age and the 630,000 kilometres on her counter, the bus was well maintained. However, on Tuesday, May 1, all went wrong.

My wife Ira and our two children were on their way to visit, and spend a Ukrainian holiday, with her father. While we were at the Moldavian border with a group of tourists, a Ira tearful phoned to inform me that their mini-bus had burst into flames. The three of them had a timeous and fortunate escape from the blazing vehicle. The mini-bus’ complete destruction, within four minutes, was caused by a short circuit. Although the police were in the vicinity inspecting other vehicles, they regrettably had no fire extinguisher.

The fire brigade’s barracks are a mere seven minutes from the scene but it took them a full half hour to arrive. Then it took another two hours for the persons, responsible for investigating the incident, to arrive. Fortunately – and for that we are thankful – there were no injuries. We do have two more mini-busses for our aliyah work, but it is not enough. We are now looking for another - preferably Volkswagen - mini-bus.

The previous Volkswagen mini-bus was mainly used when visiting Jewish families to discuss aliyah and for the delivery of food parcels. The delivery of food parcels is not restricted to the winter months; it continues throughout the year. Aliyah work is not always easy, and we often face setbacks. But we persevere in doing the work the Lord has called us to do: to constructively bless His People, in the Ukraine, on their way to the Promised Land.

Contributions towards buying a new mini-bus can be made online. Thanking you in advance!

Koen Carlier