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Israel & Christians Today
Biblical understanding about Israel
"For Zion's sake I will never be silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, and her salvation like a blazing torch."
(Isaiah 62:1)
"For I would not, brethren, that you would be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits: that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved. ” (Romans 11:25)
"Even so, when you see all these things, you know the time is near, right at the door" (Matthew 24:33)
“Watch therefore, and pray always” (Luke 21:36)
Our mission
Christians for Israel exists to bring biblical understanding in the Church and among the nations concerning God's purposes for Israel, and to promote comfort of Israel through prayer and action.
Our vision
Our vision is to establish a global “Christians for Israel” network having effective national impact, for the blessing of the nation of Israel, the Jewish people, the church and the nations.
Our history and values
Christians for Israel was established in 1979 in Holland and Jerusalem. We have 25 years' experience as a European-based ministry, which has grown out of the rich soil of the long and deep tradition of friendship between Holland and the Jewish people. We have a very deep and close bond with many people and institutions in Israel, at all levels of society.
Christians for Israel have branches in the following countries: Netherlands; Belgium; Germany; UK; Austria; Switzerland; Italy (West Europe); Hungary; Romania; Ukraine Central/Eastern Europe); Cameroon (West Africa) and Kenya (East Africa); Singapore (South East Asia); Australia and New Zealand (Pacific); Canada and USA (Americas).
Christians for Israel is a non-denominational Christ-centred Spirit-led movement. We represent Christians from all traditions. We seek to be truly ecumenical: to engage the hearts and minds of all members of the one body of Christ, regardless of denomination or Church affiliation.
Serving the Church
We strive to be a servant ministry. We seek to serve the Church, Israel and the nations in an attitude of humility, having the mind of Christ. “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity”.
Biblical understanding
Christians for Israel International’s primary goal is to bring a new understanding amongst Christians on the unique identity and true calling of Israel, the Church and the nations in God's plan of creation and redemption, as revealed in God’s word. as well as the prophetic “signs of the times” that point to the Coming of the Messiah - understanding God’s word in the light of the return of the Jewish nation to the land, and other current developments in the world, such as: the growth of fundamentalist Islam, increasing (Christian) anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, the spirit of lawlessness in Church and society, and the conflict in modern Israel.
Educational Resources
Through a range of multi-language, multi-level, multi-media educational materials and programs, Christians for Israel assists Christians to better understand God's love and purposes for Israel, the nations, the Church and the world, for instance:
Why Israel? book in over 15 languages; Why Israel? DVD 8 unit teaching series; Why Israel? CD series; Jerusalem in Focus DVD series; Israel: A Journey Through Time DVD 6 unit Documentary series, filmed entirely in Israel.
Christians for Israel (C4I) representatives are available to speak in Churches, schools and other groups who want to know more about God's purposes with Israel, and C4I organises conferences and seminars, as well as tours to Israel for youth, pastors/church leaders, and other groups - a unique opportunity to meet the people, see and feel the land, experience God's love for Israel, and learn of His promised blessings for the Arab nations
The newspaper Israel & Christians Today is distributed to more than 200,000 addresses worldwide, and is available in 5 languages (English, Dutch, German, Russian and Italian)
Help the Jews come home
Christians for Israel International keep on helping Jews in the diaspora to make 'aliya'. In the last 10 years C4I have assisted over 85,000 Jews to return to the land.
Help the Jews at home
Christians for Israel International supports a variety of organisations and projects in Israel, so that the Jewish people can become truly rooted in the land: assisting immigrants to become settled in the land; building caring communities; promoting Arab-Jewish humanitarian co-operation; fighting poverty and hunger; providing therapy and support for survivors of terror; educating the children of Israel; supporting Jewish communities in Samaria and Judea; supporting and encouraging Arab Christians in Israel.