Messenger January 2015
Informing you about the Christians for Israel ministry world wide.
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© Christians for Israel International,
In this edition:
Dear friends and partners,
We send you our best wishes for 2015 with mixed feelings.
It seems the global church is growing. Many have come to faith in Christ in the last year. A body of Christians worldwide is growing in awareness of God’s purposes with the world, and seeking to bless and comfort Israel and the Jewish people. For example, the 300 Christian leaders who have gathered in Krakow in recent days to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and enter into 100 days of prayer and fasting for Israel, the church and the nations.
But there are dark clouds on the horizon.
The tragic events in Paris several weeks ago, including the slaughter of four Jewish people– following the recent killings in Toulouse and Brussels - are perhaps just the tip of the iceberg. The cataclysmic combination of lukewarm indifference and open anti-Semitism in Europe in the 1930’s seems to be repeating itself on a global scale today. There is great unrest in the world.
Our vision as Christians for Israel is that God will raise a generation of Christians who understand the signs of the times, repent for the past, and (re)commit themselves to “stand in the gap” for Israel and the Jewish people.
On behalf of the Christians for Israel’s affiliates, representatives and partners in over 50 nations who are laboring tirelessly to make this vision a reality, we thank you for your support for our ministry in 2014, and look forward to partnering with you in 2015.
Andrew Tucker
Executive Director
Global Prayer Call Conference in Krakow - 70 years after the liberation of Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Approximately 300 participants from over 20 different nations on 4 continents gathered from January 25-29 in Krakow, Poland to commemorate the Holocaust and to launch 100 days of prayer for Israel, the nations and the church. Under the leadership of Harald Eckert (Germany) and Henryk Wieja (Poland), the first half of the conference was focused on the history of 1,800 years of Christian anti-Semitism in Europe.
C4I Holland submits petition against anti-Semitism
On January 27th, Christians for Israel Holland submitted a petition against anti-Semitism to the Dutch House of Representatives in The Hague during the commemoration of the liberation of concentration camp Auschwitz. The petition raised more than 18,000 signatures.
Global Prayer Call 2015 (GPC); 6+6+3 Guide Lines for Prayer for Israel, Our Nation and the Church in Our Nation
70 years ago the greatest tragedy of 4,000 years of Jewish history reached its climax and then – finally – its end. On January 27, 1945 the infamous concentration camp of Auschwitz was liberated. 100 days later, in May 8/9, 1945 World War II came to an end in Europe – and with it the genocide of European Jewry.
Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer and Harald Eckert visit South Korea
At the invitation of the Korea Israel Bible Institute (KIBI) and other prayer and/or Israel-ministries Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer (president of Christians for Israel International) and Harald Eckert (chairman of Christians for Israel International and initiator of the Global Prayer Call) have been in Seoul, South Korea for a prayer conference for leaders (January 14-16, 2015).
Emergency Fund: Helping Jewish Refugees "We Survive Because of the Food Parcels" "A Second Escape"
We have received the following report from Koen Carlier, who recently travelled throughout the Eastern Ukraine! Our most important task now is to assist, bring and shelter Jewish refugees from the Eastern Ukraine, on their way to Israel. 78 year old widow Margarita and her son, Michael, recently left for Israel, for good, from the airport in the east of Dnepropetrovsk. We interviewed her shortly before her departure. (See Photograph below: Margarita and fieldworker Alina at the airport).
Global Prayer Call Study Tour 10 – 18 May 2015
Christians for Israel International organizes the Global Prayer Call Study Tour in Israel from 10 – 18 May, 2015. The tour includes the three day Global Prayer Call Conference. “For Zions sake, I will not keep silent!” (Isaiah 62:1) is the Biblical motto of this conference, which takes place in Jerusalem from May 10-12, 2015. Praying Christians from around the world are invited to join in this strategic and prophetic conference.
C4I Austria co-funded a Lifeshield Room Shelter
Christians for Israel Austria co-funded a "MaMad" Lifeshield Room Shelter for the Eden Center at Kibbutz Karmia. The final approval from the Regional Municipality building committee is due any moment. Watch the video to get an impression.
Interview Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer by Hizki Laluyan
What brought you to join Christians for Israel (C4I)?
The founding father of Christians for Israel Netherlands asked me to step into his shoes as Chairman of the Board of Christenen voor Israel – Nederland. In the years that followed I wrote a book WAAROM ISRAEL that was translated spontaneously by people around the world. After the first translation “WHY ISRAEL’ over 30 other translations followed so that Christenen voor Israel developed into an International ministry: Christians for Israel International.
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