Messenger June 2010
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© Christians for Israel International,
Gaza: C4I Letter to Netanyahu
The board of C4I International sent a letter of encouragement to the Israeli leadership in response to the current Gaza situation. The letter was sent on behalf of all C4I offices and representatives. read the letter page 1, page 2
In partnership with Ebenezer- Operation Exodus
Christians for Israel International has entered a partnership with Ebenezer – Operation Exodus to develop and implement Russian language teaching materials and programs for pastors and Church leaders in the former Soviet Union. read more
C4I Indonesia
From 17 June – 5 July Willem Glashouwer will be speaking and teaching in churches in Indonesia. He will visit Timor, Bali and Jakarta. The tour is being organized by Henk Kamsteeg (C4I Regional Director, Asia/Pacific) and Stenli, our C4I Indonesia chairman. read more
News from C4I Australia
A number of changes have been recently made to the leadership of C4I Australia. At the board level, Glenn & Felicity Hodson retired in March 2010 as national directors, but fortunately they will both continue as C4I Australia board members. Henk Kamsteeg remains as Chairman. read more
C4I International Board meeting
June 21-23, 2010
The Board of C4I International (comprising Rev. Dr. John Tweedie (Chair), Harald Eckert (Secretary), Bert Fluit (Treasurer), Pim van der Hoff and Dick Schutte), together with Andrew Tucker (Executive Director), will meet in Holland from 21 - 23 June 2010. read more
Koen Carlier and Jaap de Vreugd visited Cluj Napoca in Romania on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th June. In Cluj Napoca, C4I is partnering with the Trans-Silvanus Instutute, led by the charismatic Hungarian Reformed pastor Leventhe Horváth. read more
There are many pastors and church leaders in Cameroon who struggle with the issue of Israel. C4I Cameroon has a two dimensional approach in working with the churches and their leaders. We seek to sow the message in new congregations by first introducing the message to their pastors and we seek to develop the message in churches that have embraced it.
Read the update on Cameroon
Why Israel? in Pakistan
The book Why Israel? By Rev. W.J.J. Glashouwer is currently being translated into Urdu in Pakistan, in partnership with Care Revolutionary Movement (CRM, based in Lahore), and in cooperation with the Pakistan Christian Business Group (PAK-CBG, based in Karachi). Both ministries are passionate disciples of the Lord Jesus who are devoted to serving the persecuted Church in Pakistan. We hope to have more than 1000 copies of the book printed in the summer, for distribution to churches throughout the country. read more
C4I Prayer letter
Click here to download the June 2010 C4I Israel Prayer Letter.
Each 2 months, Pieter Bénard (Christians for Israel Holland) writes this Israel Prayer Letter, focusing in on events in and around Israel. This Prayer Letter is an invaluable tool in your intercession for Israel, the church and the nations.
Please make use of this letter, and send it on to others as you see fit. read more
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