Messenger June 2016
Informing you about the Christians for Israel ministry world wide.
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© Christians for Israel International,
In this edition:
The more one studies the history of the Jewish people, the more one is struck by the veracity and authenticity of God’s word. And therefore how relevant God’s word is today.
God is a God of history. He is moving and shaking the nations towards the fulfilment of His purposes. We all have a role to play.
The Christians for Israel ministry is called, firstly, to help Christians “re-understand” our identity as wild branches grafted into God’s olive tree - in which the Jewish people are the natural branches (Romans 11). As Christians we need to understand that we have not REPLACED Israel, rather we have been ADDED to the “commonwealth of Israel” (Ephesians 2). There is a HARDENING IN PART over Israel “until the full number of the Gentiles has come in” (Romans 11).
And, secondly, we are called to enable Christians to comfort and strengthen the Jewish people in their hour of need (Isaiah 40).
Our ministry is rapidly developing day by day. One senses urgency in the need to get this message spread around the world. Our regional office in Kampala is working with key leaders in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Ethiopia and South Sudan, while the regional bases in Australia and New Zealand are developing networks in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Cook Islands and other nations in the South Pacific Rim. In Asia, the Philippines is developing as regional hub for outreach into many nations in Asia.
Below you will read some some more highlights. We would especially ask your prayers for Drake Kanaabo and his team at Christians for Israel Uganda, as they prepare for the upcoming visit of Israeli PM Netanyahu to Uganda in early July in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Raid on Entebbe in which his brother Jonathan lost his life. Pray that this visit will usher in a new partnership between Africa and Israel.
Our global ministry is entirely dependent on gifts. We greatly appreciate your continuing prayer and financial support.
Andrew Tucker
Executive Director
40 Years On - Entebbe Continues to Inspire
By Joe Nam, Media Specialist Christians for Israel Uganda.. It’s June 2016. I am entering a coffee café in Uganda’s capital city Kampala. I frequent this place during the evening social hour to catch up on news of the latest happenings in the city. Here, in between sips of coffee and tea, patrons get to discuss the hottest topics of the day. I am just in time to catch animated conversation going on about the Entebbe Rescue. So I sit to listen.
Now available: DVD Series + Study Guide Why End Times? by Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer
The series ‘Why End Times?’ explores God’s prophetic plans for Israel and the nations. This is not another end-time theory but a teaching scholarly grounded on God’s Holy Word. It provides an in-depth analysis concerning the prophetic significance of Israel and her relationship to the nations. This subject is greatly needed to enlighten the Body of Christ and all people to gain a new understanding about what to expect and what to prepare for as the Coming of Christ draws closer.
Isreality International: Update on our First Upcoming Experience Israel Trip for Young Adults
From 3 to 15 July 2016, around 20 participants aged between 18 and 35 years, coming from seven countries including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and the USA, will take part in this special tour, organised by Christians for Israel International.
Through this tour, we hope to empower young adults to be a voice for Israel and the Jewish people in their own nation and to inspire others to become part of the Isreality network.
Support Summer Camps for Children in Ukraine
With great expectation, people look forward to their holidays. It makes no difference whether they stay at home or travel to a holiday destination near or far. This, also, is true for children in Ukraine. But due to the continuing war in the south eastern part of the country, inflation, unemployment and rising food prices, many will have to simply stay home… or not?
We would like to offer a holiday at sea to 300 children, partly from war zone Lugansk, for 21 days.
Special Africa Edition of Israel & Christians Today - 40th anniversary of the raid on Entebbe
A special edition of our newspaper, Israel & Christians Today will be printed in Uganda in the coming days. This special African edition edition was compiled for the upcoming visit of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visit to Africa in July in which our regional office in Kampala, Uganda, place a role. In Uganda PM Netanyahu will attend events around the 40th anniversary of the raid on Entebbe. The newspaper contains some highly interesting articles on Africa-Israel relations, the work of Christians for Israel in Uganda, and the raid on Entebbe.
Many friends from Europe came to visit “First Home in The Homeland” in Israel
May is very hot in Israel! Not only because of Hamsin winds coming from the desert but also because of olim coming to the “First Home in the Homeland” project and Christians for Israel supporters coming from all over the world to support Jews in the Holy Land. Please follow this short report and maybe some of you will recognize him/herself on the pictures below and recall a day in the kibbutz. Or maybe if you are going to be in Israel soon it might give you the idea to visit the "First Home in the Homeland" project.
Christians for Israel Prayer Calendar June - July 2016
'The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.'
(Isaiah 2:3).
Continue to pray daily for Israel. The Lord remains faithful to His people, and we may remain faithful to Him (Psalm 125 and Isaiah 62:6-7).
Download the bi-monthly Christians for Israel Prayer Calendar!
Jews fleeing from the East of Ukraine – An eye-witness account
Viktoria Sheikhtman is the Jewish Agency’s representative responsible for Lugansk in Eastern Ukraine. She visited the Israeli office of "First Home in the Homeland" in the Negev.
The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) which is officially responsible for aliyah (returning of Jews to the Land of Israel) has its branches in all corners of the world where Jews are seeking for ways to make aliyah. In Ukraine there are representatives of JAFI in all the big cities, also in Lugansk. But everything changed after the war broke out in May 2014. Many refugees from Lugansk moved to Central Ukraine, among them Viktoria Sheikhtman, coordinator of JAFI Lugansk, who fled with her parents. They survived the Holocaust in Ukraine. Now Viktoria works in Kharkov and she is still helping Jews returning home by making aliyah.
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