Messenger Summer 2015
Informing you about the Christians for Israel ministry world wide.
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© Christians for Israel International,
In this edition:
Dear friends,
In this edition of The Messenger we are excited to inform you of some highlights of the recent and planned developments at Christians for Israel.
Of course there is much more going on behind the scenes. As we write, President Willem Glashouwer is on an intensive speaking tour in Paraguay, at the invitation of our partner Ebenezer Operation Exodus. Our Chairman Harald Eckert is having a well-earned break after an extremely intensive period with the Global Prayer Call which has taken him on speaking tours to over 20 nations on all continents in the last 12 months.
This will be the last edition of The Messenger before many of us go off for family vacation here in Europe. We would appreciate your prayers for many of us who are at the end of a tiring season, and we wish you and yours every blessings, and strength as we prepare for the new season.
Yours faithfully,
The C4I International team
Aliyah from India - update Bnei Menashe
With G-d’s help – and the support of Christians for Israel! – we were blessed to bring another 240 Bnei Menashe on Aliyah from India to Israel between June 18 and June 25, 2015. This brings to 900 the total number of Bnei Menashe that we have brought home to Zion in the past 18 months, the most ever!!
New Israeli ambassador to Ukraine met with the heads of Evangelical Churches and Unions
The Ambassador of the State of Israel to Ukraine met with the heads of Evangelical Churches and Unions on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. The event was a joint initiative of Dmitriy Mishkur (the speaker, coordinator of Church Relations “Christians for Israel Ukraine” and coordinator of the dialogue and cooperation between Ukrainian Evangelical Christianity and the Israeli Embassy to Ukraine) and the Israeli ambassador to Ukraine Eliav Belotserkovskiy.
Christians for Israel makes its voice heard in Geneva
The investigation report of the United Nations Human Rights Council on the Gaza War and the alleged human rights violations by the Israeli army was presented on the 29th of June in Geneva, Switzerland. Together with members and supporters of more than 80 Jewish and Christian NGOs, Christians for Israel affiliates travelled to the Swiss city and expressed their support for the Jewish state and to urge the UN to treat Israel fairly.
Israel & Christians Today Int. Version, June 2015 Published
The international version of the Israel & Christians Today newspaper of June 2015 has been released. This special edition includes many interesting articles and reports from the Christians for Israel Leadership Forum and the Global Prayer Call Conference.
Unrest in Ukraine: interview with aliyah worker Koen Carlier
Unrest in eastern Ukraine is increasing, says fellow worker Koen Carlier in the Eastern European country. But despite the difficulties, he and his team continue unabatedly with their mission aimed at helping the Jews to emigrate to their homeland, Israel.
Rev. Glashouwer visits Papua and Maluku Indonesia
Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer visited the Indonesian cities of Manokwari and Sorong at the Province of West Papua and Ambon City, the capital of the Province Maluku from April 20th until April 27th, 2015.
Compared to the other provinces in Indonesia, Papua and West Papua are quite different regarding the political situation there. This is why the flag of Israel, the Star of David can be raised. Even before Rev. Glashouwer arrived, there were already posters and a billboard on the main road at the city of Manokwari.
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